Things to Do This Weekend in The Inland Empire: June 3-5

Real Estate Topic of The Week: What is a Title Company? FRIDAY, JUNE 3 Live Music @ Haven City Market, Rancho Cucamonga Movies in the Park @ Ontario Town Square AEW Rampage @ Toyota Arena, Ontario Live Music @ Mediterranean Bistro Le Grand, Rancho Cucamonga Fontana Days Carnival @ Veterans Park, Fontana Live Music @ Last […]
What is a Title Company?

What if you bought a home, moved in, then found out that the home actually belongs to someone else? Believe it or not, this was a relatively common phenomenon back in the day. Someone would sell a home, thinking that they had a legal right to do so. Then a long-lost spouse, relative, or neighbor […]
Things to Do This Weekend in The Inland Empire: May 27-30

Real Estate Topic of The Week: Moving Out of California Guide FRIDAY, MAY 27 The Spinners, The Stylistics & The Manhattans @ Fairplex, Pomona Ian Bagg @ Improv, Ontario Live Music @ Tom’s Farms, Temescal Valley Live Music @ Last Name Brewing, Upland Paul Val @ The Concert Lounge, Riverside Live Mariachi Band @ Haven […]
Things to Do This Weekend in The Inland Empire: May 20-22

Real Estate Topic of The Week: Why You Shouldn’t Try To Sell Your Own Home FRIDAY, MAY 20 Live Music @ Haven City Market, Rancho Cucamonga Senior Bookclub @ Rancho Cucamonga Public Library ‘Finding Flawless’ Girls Night Out @ Wyldflwr Beauty & Boutique, La Verne Yngwie Malmsteen @ The Canyon, Montclair Live Music @ Mediterranean Bistro Le Grand, […]
Why You Shouldn’t Try To Sell Your Own Home

Every once in a while I come across someone who feels that they’ve done enough research, watched enough HGTV episodes, and seen enough YouTube tutorials that they can now sell their own home. They want to save money, and I get it. But let me explain why it’s never a good idea. Agents Know How […]